Since Coulomb’s and Saint-Venant’s fundamental work, many researches have studied the effect of twisting on elastic bodies. The work presented here investigates instabilities that can occur when thin bodies are subject to large twists and extends work by A. E. Green published in 1937. Because large twists are considered, a fully nonlinear plate theory is used. This theory predicts compressive lateral membrane stresses not predicted by Green’s weakly nonlinear theory. These stresses can significantly alter the twist angle at which buckling occurs. Two conditions for the opposing twisted end supports are considered. In one case the supports are held a fixed distance apart and in the other case the force applied to the supports is held fixed during twist. The buckling modes and critical twist angles vary significantly depending on the support condition used.
The Elastic Stability of Twisted Plates
Contributed by the Applied Mechanics Division of THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS for publication in the ASME JOURNAL OF APPLIED MECHANICS. Manuscript received by the ASME Applied Mechanics Division, Apr. 12, 2000; final revision, Oct. 18, 2000. Associate Editor: S. Kyriakides. Discussion on the paper should be addressed to the Editor, Professor Lewis T. Wheeler, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Houston, Houston, TX 77204-4792, and will be accepted until four months after final publication of the paper itself in the ASME JOURNAL OF APPLIED MECHANICS.
Mockensturm, E. M. (October 18, 2000). "The Elastic Stability of Twisted Plates ." ASME. J. Appl. Mech. July 2001; 68(4): 561–567.
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