7R22. Precision Motion Control: Design and Implementation. - Tan Kok Kiong, Lee Tong Heng, Dou Huifang, Huang Sunan (Dept of Elec Eng, Natl Univ, 4 Engineering Dr 3, Singapore, 117576, Singapore). Springer-Verlag London Ltd, Surrey, UK. 2001. 232 pp. ISBN 1-85233-328-6. $89.95.

Reviewed by PH Meckl (Sch of Mech Eng, Purdue Univ, 1288 Mech Eng Bldg, W Lafayette IN 47907-1288).

As both mechanical and electronic components decrease in size, the need for precision manufacturing continues to grow. The authors of this book have skillfully brought together a variety of essential ingredients for success in achieving precision motion control. Their objective is to focus on “enabling technologies in the realization of precision motion positioning systems.” The book presents concepts in “a manner amenable to a broad base of readers, ranging from the academics to the practitioners, by providing detailed experimental verifications of the developed materials.” The book serves as a useful...

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