1R4. CMOS Cantilever Sensor Systems: Atomic Force Microscopy and Gas Sensing Applications. - D Lange (Dept of Elec Eng, Stanford Univ, CIS 205-x, Stanford CA 94305-4075), O Brand (Phys Electron Lab, ETH Zurich, ETH Hoenggerberg, HPT-H4.2, Zurich, 8093, Switzerland), H Baltes (Phys Electron Lab, ETH Zurich, ETH Hoenggerberg, HPT-H6, Zurich, 8093, Switzerland). Springer-Verlag, Berlin. 2002. 142 pp. ISBN 3-540-43143-8. $64.95.
Reviewed by T Krzyzynski (Dept of Mech Eng, Koszalin Univ of Tech, Raclawicka 15-17, Koszalin, 75-620, Poland).
This is a book constitutes an introduction into the development of cantilever-based sensor systems using CMOS-compatible micromachining. The authors who deal with such a problem from the design concepts and simulations to the prototype, addresses their book to scientists and engineers active in the field of micro- and nano-electro-mechanical systems, as well as to researchers on cantilever sensors and resonant sensors in general.
This book consists of six chapters, four appendices, references, and a subject index. Chapter 1 (Introduction) contains a background and motivation of the research carried out mostly at the Physical Electronics Laboratory of ETH Zu¨rich.
Chapter 2 (Design Considerations) deals with mathematical fundamentals that are necessary for the design and production of cantilevers as mass-sensitive sensors or force sensors.
Chapter 3 (Cantilever Beam Resonators) is devoted to presentation of experimental characteristics illustrating resonant behavior of CMOS-based cantilever beams, including stability analysis of such an oscillator system.
Chapter 4 (Resonant Gas Sensor) is addressed to practical application of cantilever beams described in Chapter 3 - a mass-sensitive gas sensor system for the detection of Volatile Organic Compounds in air.
Chapter 5 (Force Sensors for Parallel Scanning Atomic Force Microscopy) is dedicated to the second application of the resonant cantilevers. Experimental data in a case of a 2-cantilever array are presented and discussed. A next generation of cantilever force sensors, composed of 10 elements in an array, results from finite element simulation carried out by the authors.
Chapter 6 (Conclusions and Outlook) is focused on a brief overview of the book content and perspectives of further research, especially with the ongoing trend to further miniaturization and the expansion of nanotechnology.
Four appendices contain: (1) Process Sequence Resonant Gas Sensor; (2) The same but maskless; (3) Process Sequence Atomic Force Microscopy Sensor Arrays; (4) Material Properties of Thin Film Materials.
The structure of the book makes it possible to study the problems considered in an effective and very inspiring way.
In the reviewer’s opinion, CMOS Cantilever Sensor Systems: Atomic Force Microscopy and Gas Sensing Applications is very useful for both researchers and advanced students. This book can serve as a resource for engineers and scientists as well, and is recommended for their libraries.