In this paper, an analysis of the dynamics in the closing phase of the occluder of a mechanical monoleaflet heart valve prosthesis is presented. The dynamic analysis of the fluid in the vicinity of the occluder was based on the control volume approach. The backflow velocity of the fluid was computed by applying the continuity and momentum equations in the unsteady state. By considering the fluid pressure and gravity as external forces acting on the occluder, the moment equilibrium on the occluder was employed to analyze the motion of the occluder during closing and the force of impact between the occluder and the guiding struts. The computed magnitudes of the occluder tip velocities, as well as the backflow of the fluid during the closing phase using this model, were in agreement with previously reported experimental measurements. The maximum impact force between the occluder and guiding struts of 140–280 N was determined to occur during the initial impact for a duration of 35–45 μus. The results of such model studies may be extended for the analysis of the endurance limit of the valve prostheses as well as to determine the mechanical stresses on the formed elements and the incipience of cavitation bubbles during the closing phase of the valve function.

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