Clutch to clutch shift control technology, which is the key enabler for a compact and low cost transmission design, is important for both automatic and hybrid transmissions. To ensure a smooth clutch to clutch shift, precise synchronization between the on-coming and off-going clutches is critical. This further requires the on-coming clutch to be filled and ready for engagement at the predetermined time. Due to the compact design, currently there is no pressure sensor inside the clutch chamber, and therefore the clutch fill can only be controlled in an open loop fashion. The traditional clutch fill approach, by which the clutch fill input pressure command is manually calibrated, has a couple of limitations. First, the pressure profile is not optimized to reduce the peak flow demand during clutch fill. Moreover, it is not systematically designed to account for uncertainties in the system, such as variations of solenoid valve delay and parameters of the clutch assembly. In this paper, we present a systematic approach to evaluate the clutch fill dynamics and synthesize the optimal pressure profile. First, a clutch fill dynamic model, which captures the key dynamics in the clutch fill process, is constructed and analyzed. Second, the applicability of the conventional numerical dynamic programming (DP) method to the clutch fill control problem, which has a stiff dynamic model, is explored and shown to be ineffective. Thus, we proposed a customized DP method to obtain the optimal and robust pressure profile subject to specified constraints. The customized DP method not only reduces the computational burden significantly, but also improves the accuracy of the result by eliminating the interpolation errors. To validate the proposed method, a transmission clutch fixture has been designed and built in the laboratory. Both simulation and experimental results demonstrate that the proposed customized DP approach is effective, efficient and robust for solving the clutch fill optimal control problem.
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September 2011
Technical Briefs
Automotive Transmission Clutch Fill Control Using a Customized Dynamic Programming Method
Xingyong Song,
Xingyong Song
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis
, MN 55455
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Mohd Azrin Mohd Zulkefli,
Mohd Azrin Mohd Zulkefli
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis
, MN 55455
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Zongxuan Sun,
Zongxuan Sun
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis
, MN 55455
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Hsu-Chiang Miao
Hsu-Chiang Miao
Retiree Research and Development Center, General Motors Corporation, Warren
, Michigan 48090
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Xingyong Song
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis
, MN 55455
Mohd Azrin Mohd Zulkefli
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis
, MN 55455
Zongxuan Sun
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis
, MN 55455
Hsu-Chiang Miao
Retiree Research and Development Center, General Motors Corporation, Warren
, Michigan 48090J. Dyn. Sys., Meas., Control. Sep 2011, 133(5): 054503 (9 pages)
Published Online: August 5, 2011
Article history
December 21, 2009
December 29, 2010
August 5, 2011
August 5, 2011
Song, X., Zulkefli, M. A. M., Sun, Z., and Miao, H. (August 5, 2011). "Automotive Transmission Clutch Fill Control Using a Customized Dynamic Programming Method." ASME. J. Dyn. Sys., Meas., Control. September 2011; 133(5): 054503.
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