This paper is centered on quantifying the effect of computer room and computer room air conditioning (CRAC) unit modeling on the perforated tile flow distribution in a representative raised-floor data center. Also, this study quantifies the effect of plenum pipes and perforated tile porosity on the operating points of the CRAC blowers, total CRAC air flow rate, and its distribution. It is concluded that modeling the computer room, the CRAC units, and/or the plenum pipes could make an average change of up to 17% in the tile flow rates with a maximum of up to 135% for the facility with 56% open tiles while the average and maximum changes for the facility with 25% open tiles are 6% and 60%, respectively.
Issue Section:
Research Papers
air conditioning,
computer centres,
numerical analysis,
data center,
air flow distribution,
CRAC modeling,
numerical modeling
Computer simulation,
Data centers,
Flow (Dynamics),
Air flow,
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.Copyright © 2010
by American Society of Mechanical Engineers
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