Mixed operation with both centrifugal and reciprocating compressors in a compression plant poses significant operational challenges as pressure pulsations and machine mismatches lead to centrifugal compressors’ instabilities or poor performance. Arrangements with reciprocating compressors placed in series with centrifugal compressors generally lead to higher suction/discharge pulsations on the centrifugal compressor than conventional parallel operation. This paper demonstrates that by properly analyzing and designing the interconnecting piping between the compressors, utilizing pulsation attenuation devices, and matching the compressors’ volumetric-flow rates, a satisfactory functional compression system design can be achieved for even the worst cases of mixed centrifugal and reciprocating compressor operation. However, even small analysis errors, design deviations, or machine mismatches result in a severely limited (or even inoperable) compression system. Also, pulsation attenuation often leads to a significant pressure loss in the interconnect piping system. Utilizing analysis tools in the design process that can accurately model the transient fluid dynamics of the piping system, the pulsation attenuation devices, and the compressor machine behaviors is critical to avoid potentially costly design mistakes and minimize pressured losses. This paper presents the methodology and examples of such an analysis using a 1D transient Navier–Stokes code for complex compression piping networks. The code development, application, and example results for a set of mixed operational cases are discussed. This code serves as a design tool to avoid critical piping layout and compressor matching mistakes early in the compressor station design process.
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e-mail: kbrun@swri.org
e-mail: kurz_rainer_x@solarturbines.com
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July 2010
Research Papers
Analysis of the Effects of Pulsations on the Operational Stability of Centrifugal Compressors in Mixed Reciprocating and Centrifugal Compressor Stations
Klaus Brun,
Klaus Brun
Southwest Research Institute,
e-mail: kbrun@swri.org
Mechanical and Materials Engineering Division
, P.O. Drawer 28510, San Antonio, TX 78228-0510
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Rainer Kurz
e-mail: kurz_rainer_x@solarturbines.com
Rainer Kurz
Solar Turbines, Inc.
, 9330 Sky Park Court, San Diego, CA 92123-5398
Search for other works by this author on:
Klaus Brun
Southwest Research Institute,
Mechanical and Materials Engineering Division
, P.O. Drawer 28510, San Antonio, TX 78228-0510e-mail: kbrun@swri.org
Rainer Kurz
Solar Turbines, Inc.
, 9330 Sky Park Court, San Diego, CA 92123-5398e-mail: kurz_rainer_x@solarturbines.com
J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power. Jul 2010, 132(7): 072402 (10 pages)
Published Online: April 21, 2010
Article history
June 10, 2009
July 14, 2009
April 21, 2010
April 21, 2010
Brun, K., and Kurz, R. (April 21, 2010). "Analysis of the Effects of Pulsations on the Operational Stability of Centrifugal Compressors in Mixed Reciprocating and Centrifugal Compressor Stations." ASME. J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power. July 2010; 132(7): 072402. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4000299
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