A numerical model is developed to simulate the short-circuiting metal transfer process during gas metal arc welding (GMAW). The energy equation and the Marangoni convection are considered for the first time in analyzing the short-circuiting time. A front-tracking free surface method explicity tracks the profile of the liquid bridge. The electromagnetic field, distribution of velocity, pressure, and temperature are calculated using the developed model. Effects of welding current, surface tension temperature coefficient, and initial drop volume on short-circuiting duration time are examined. The results show that both the electromagnetic force and Marangoni shear stress play significant roles in short-circuiting transfer welding.
Issue Section:
Technical Papers
arc welding,
temperature distribution,
surface tension,
electromagnetic forces,
short-circuit currents,
electromagnetic fields
Bridges (Structures),
Electromagnetic force,
Gas metal arc welding,
Surface tension,
Shear stress,
Boundary-value problems,
Electromagnetic fields,
Temperature distribution,
Current density
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