This issue contains a series of papers that were presented during a workshop and associated technical sessions held at the 1998 OMAE Conference in Lisbon, Portugal. The workshop and technical sessions addressed the reassessment and requalification of offshore platforms. (The first four papers in this issue address the topic of requalification.) The workshop was organized by Petroleos Mexicanos (PEMEX), Instituto Mexicano del Petroleo (IMP), the University of California at Berkeley, and Instituto Superior Technico de Lisboa. The workshop was attended by 50 engineers representing industry, government, and 14 countries.
At the present time, there are more than 10,000 major platforms sited on the world’s continental shelves. Many of these structures are more than 30 years old and they have experienced changes in engineering criteria, operating conditions, damage, and subsidence. A significant number of platforms are being called upon for extended lives and increased service. This workshop and associated technical sessions...