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Keywords: Kalman filters
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Journal Articles
Publisher: ASME
Article Type: Materials
J. Offshore Mech. Arct. Eng. February 2011, 133(1): 011401.
Published Online: November 3, 2010
... force on a receding horizon. The wave excitation force is predicted by use of an augmented Kalman filter based on a damped harmonic oscillator model of the wave process. It is shown how constraints influence the optimal motion of the heaving wave-energy converter, and also how close it is possible...
Journal Articles
Publisher: ASME
Article Type: Technical Papers
J. Offshore Mech. Arct. Eng. February 2007, 129(1): 29–38.
Published Online: October 3, 2006
... for periodic cycles of varying periodicities. The controller, when applied to the system with additive random noise in the excitation, has marginal success. However, the addition of an iterated Kalman filter applied to the system increases the regime under which the controller behaves under the influence...
Journal Articles
Publisher: ASME
Article Type: Technical Papers
J. Offshore Mech. Arct. Eng. August 2006, 128(3): 203–210.
Published Online: January 4, 2006
..., storage, and offloading system). DPS reduces time, cost, and risks. Commercial DPS systems are usually based on control algorithms which associate Kalman filtering techniques with proportional-derivative (PD) or optimal linear quadratic (LQ) controllers. Since those algorithms are, in general, based...