The brittle fracture prevention model is of great importance to the safety of pressure vessels. Compared to the semi-empirical approach adopted in various pressure vessel standards, a model based on Master Curve technique is developed in this paper. Referring to ASME nuclear code, the safety features including the lower bound fracture toughness and a margin factor equal to 2 for the stress intensity factor produced by primary stress are adopted in the new model. The technical background of the brittle fracture model in ASME VIII-2 has been analyzed and discussed, and then its inappropriate items have been modified in the new model. Minimum design temperature curves, impact toughness requirements, and temperature adjustment for low stress condition are established on the basis of new model. The comparison with the relevant curves in ASME VIII-2 is also made. The applicability of the new model is verified by the measured fracture toughness and impact toughness data of several kinds of pressure vessel steels. The results suggest that the minimum design temperature and the impact test requirements derived by the new model are compatible with each other. More testing data of different steels to check this model is necessary for further engineering application.
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February 2017
Brittle Fracture Prevention Model for Pressure Based on Master Curve Approach
QingFeng Cui,
QingFeng Cui
Institute of Process Equipment,
School of Mechanical Engineering,
East China University of Science
and Technology,
130 Meilong Street,
Shanghai 200237, China
School of Mechanical Engineering,
East China University of Science
and Technology,
130 Meilong Street,
Shanghai 200237, China
Search for other works by this author on:
Hu Hui,
Hu Hui
Institute of Process Equipment,
School of Mechanical Engineering,
East China University of Science
and Technology,
130 Meilong Street,
Shanghai 200237, China
School of Mechanical Engineering,
East China University of Science
and Technology,
130 Meilong Street,
Shanghai 200237, China
Search for other works by this author on:
PeiNing Li,
PeiNing Li
Institute of Process Equipment,
School of Mechanical Engineering,
East China University of Science
and Technology,
130 Meilong Street,
Shanghai 200237, China
School of Mechanical Engineering,
East China University of Science
and Technology,
130 Meilong Street,
Shanghai 200237, China
Search for other works by this author on:
Feng Wang
Feng Wang
Institute of Process Equipment,
School of Mechanical Engineering,
East China University of Science and
130 Meilong Street,
Shanghai 200237, China
School of Mechanical Engineering,
East China University of Science and
130 Meilong Street,
Shanghai 200237, China
Search for other works by this author on:
QingFeng Cui
Institute of Process Equipment,
School of Mechanical Engineering,
East China University of Science
and Technology,
130 Meilong Street,
Shanghai 200237, China
School of Mechanical Engineering,
East China University of Science
and Technology,
130 Meilong Street,
Shanghai 200237, China
Hu Hui
Institute of Process Equipment,
School of Mechanical Engineering,
East China University of Science
and Technology,
130 Meilong Street,
Shanghai 200237, China
School of Mechanical Engineering,
East China University of Science
and Technology,
130 Meilong Street,
Shanghai 200237, China
PeiNing Li
Institute of Process Equipment,
School of Mechanical Engineering,
East China University of Science
and Technology,
130 Meilong Street,
Shanghai 200237, China
School of Mechanical Engineering,
East China University of Science
and Technology,
130 Meilong Street,
Shanghai 200237, China
Feng Wang
Institute of Process Equipment,
School of Mechanical Engineering,
East China University of Science and
130 Meilong Street,
Shanghai 200237, China
School of Mechanical Engineering,
East China University of Science and
130 Meilong Street,
Shanghai 200237, China
1Corresponding author.
Contributed by the Pressure Vessel and Piping Division of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF PRESSURE VESSEL TECHNOLOGY. Manuscript received December 17, 2015; final manuscript received May 4, 2016; published online August 5, 2016. Assoc. Editor: David L. Rudland.
J. Pressure Vessel Technol. Feb 2017, 139(1): 011405 (9 pages)
Published Online: August 5, 2016
Article history
December 17, 2015
May 4, 2016
Cui, Q., Hui, H., Li, P., and Wang, F. (August 5, 2016). "Brittle Fracture Prevention Model for Pressure Based on Master Curve Approach." ASME. J. Pressure Vessel Technol. February 2017; 139(1): 011405.
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