The application of an innovative heat-storage system with metal hydride to building air-conditioning is investigated. Metal hydrides characteristically generate heat through the absorption process and absorb heat through the desorption process, allowing the development of a new air-conditioning system without chlorofluorocarbons. The trial system is composed of two heat-storage vessels, a “shell-and-tube-type” heat exchanger built with heat transfer fins and filled with metal hydride, and a compressor equipped for hydrogen transfer. The purpose of heat storage is to decrease the difference between electric power demand in the daytime and at night. This system transfers hydrogen using electric power at night and reverses the reaction during the day using only the pressure difference between two heat-storage vessels. The experimental results indicate that heat-storage is attained within a limited time, and the heat-storage quantity is , which is sufficient for the heat capacity to cool the room for . The stored heat per unit metal hydride volume is , which is sufficiently higher than the conventional system using water or ice. In addition, the coefficient of performance of the system is 2.44.
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August 2006
Research Papers
Development of Heat-Storage System Using Metal Hydraid: Experiment of Performance by the Actual Loading Condition
Takami Koseki,
e-mail: takami̱
Takami Koseki
Sanki Engineering Co., Ltd.
, 1742-7 Shimotsuruma, Yamato-shi, Kanagawa 242-0001, Japan
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Harunobu Takeda,
Harunobu Takeda
The Japan Steel Works, Ltd.
, Hokkaido, Japan
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Kazuaki Iijima,
Kazuaki Iijima
Sanki Engineering Co., Ltd.
, 1742-7 Shimotsuruma, Yamato-shi, Kanagawa 242-0001, Japan
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Masamitu Murai,
Masamitu Murai
The Japan Steel Works, Ltd.
, Hokkaido, Japan
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Hisayoshi Matsufuji,
Hisayoshi Matsufuji
Sanki Engineering Co., Ltd.
, 1742-7 Shimotsuruma, Yamato-shi, Kanagawa 242-0001, Japan
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Osamu Kawaguchi
Osamu Kawaguchi
Keio University
, Kanagawa, Japan
Search for other works by this author on:
Takami Koseki
Sanki Engineering Co., Ltd.
, 1742-7 Shimotsuruma, Yamato-shi, Kanagawa 242-0001, Japane-mail: takami̱
Harunobu Takeda
The Japan Steel Works, Ltd.
, Hokkaido, Japan
Kazuaki Iijima
Sanki Engineering Co., Ltd.
, 1742-7 Shimotsuruma, Yamato-shi, Kanagawa 242-0001, Japan
Masamitu Murai
The Japan Steel Works, Ltd.
, Hokkaido, Japan
Hisayoshi Matsufuji
Sanki Engineering Co., Ltd.
, 1742-7 Shimotsuruma, Yamato-shi, Kanagawa 242-0001, Japan
Osamu Kawaguchi
Keio University
, Kanagawa, JapanJ. Sol. Energy Eng. Aug 2006, 128(3): 376-382 (7 pages)
Published Online: December 28, 2005
Article history
April 29, 2004
December 28, 2005
Koseki, T., Takeda, H., Iijima, K., Murai, M., Matsufuji, H., and Kawaguchi, O. (December 28, 2005). "Development of Heat-Storage System Using Metal Hydraid: Experiment of Performance by the Actual Loading Condition." ASME. J. Sol. Energy Eng. August 2006; 128(3): 376–382.
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