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Keywords: Forced convection
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Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Publisher: ASME
Article Type: Research Papers
J. Sol. Energy Eng. May 2006, 128(2): 178–188.
Published Online: September 6, 2005
... is considered. The idea is to use a phase change material which could melt during the day hours, absorbing heat from the room, while at night it solidifies due to a low night temperature. The heat from the room air to a PCM unit is free or forced-convected. The numerical model includes the transient heat...
Journal Articles
Publisher: ASME
Article Type: Technical Papers
J. Sol. Energy Eng. November 2004, 126(4): 1101–1104.
Published Online: November 18, 2004
...: P. Chaviaropoulos. solar absorber-convertors flow separation heat losses wind forced convection Mankind has been making use of solar energy for a very long time. Ancient civilizations had the knowledge of how to keep thermally comfortable their homes 1 . Nowadays there is a great...