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Keywords: vibrational modes
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Journal Articles
Publisher: ASME
Article Type: Research Papers
J. Tribol. July 2006, 128(3): 525–533.
Published Online: March 7, 2006
... of contact and that motion in all three directions is considerable. Spectral decomposition is used to identify the vibration modes that are excited in each direction, and we find that for most of the test velocities, modes excited in the vertical direction give rise to motion in the two orthogonal directions...
Journal Articles
Publisher: ASME
Article Type: Technical Papers
J. Tribol. April 2003, 125(2): 343–349.
Published Online: March 19, 2003
.... Associate Editor: C.-P. R. Ku. 27 October 2002 27 March 2002 16 July 2002 19 03 2003 hard discs disc drives machine bearings transient response elasticity vibrational modes impact (mechanical) finite element analysis Hard disk drives are susceptible to shock...