The operating range of a compressor is limited by surge or rotating stall line, among others. Numerical simulations must accurately predict these phenomena. This study is based on the experimental compressor CME2, which is a low-subsonic axial compressor. This compressor is tip-critical as the rotor tip is responsible for the rotating stall. This paper shows that the rotating stall onset flow rate is well captured by computational fluid dynamics, compared to experiments. After ten revolutions, all cells are merged and only one cell remains, as in experiments. Active flow control improves compressor performance and extends the stable operating range. In the present configuration, flow injection is performed at the casing. In the simulation, the insertion of the actuators is carried out through hybrid meshes: structured mesh for blade passages and unstructured mesh for each actuator. For the some stalled operating points of baseline configuration, there is no rotating cells in the controlled configuration. Thus, the rotating stall is delayed at lower flow rate, as expected by the use of active flow control and is in agreement with the experiments.