Load-dependent Ritz vectors, or Lanczos vectors, are alternatives to mode shapes as a set of orthogonal vectors used to describe the dynamic behavior of a structure. Experimental Ritz vectors are extracted recursively from a state-space system realization, and they are orthogonalized using the Gram–Schmidt process. In addition to the Ritz vectors themselves, the associated nonorthogonalized vectors are required for application to damage detection. First, this paper presents an improved experimental Ritz vector extraction algorithm to correctly extract the nonorthogonalized Ritz vectors. Second, this paper introduces a Ritz vector accuracy indicator for use with noisy data. This accuracy indicator is applied as a tool to guide the deflation of a state-space system realization identified from simulated noisy data. The improved experimental Ritz vector extraction algorithm produces experimental nonorthogonalized Ritz vectors that match the analytically computed vectors. The use of the accuracy indicator with simulated noisy data enables the identification of a state-space realization for Ritz vector extraction from which damage location and extent are correctly estimated. The improved Ritz vector extraction algorithm improves the application of Ritz vectors to damage detection, more accurately estimating damage location and extent. The accuracy indicator extends the application of Ritz vectors to damage detection in noisy systems as well.
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February 2010
Research Papers
Improved Experimental Ritz Vector Extraction With Application to Damage Detection
Stuart G. Taylor,
Stuart G. Taylor
Engineering Institute, MS-T001,
e-mail: staylor6@uh.edu
Los Alamos National Laboratory
, Los Alamos, NM 87545
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David C. Zimmerman
David C. Zimmerman
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
University of Houston
, Houston, TX 77004–4006
Search for other works by this author on:
Stuart G. Taylor
Engineering Institute, MS-T001,
Los Alamos National Laboratory
, Los Alamos, NM 87545e-mail: staylor6@uh.edu
David C. Zimmerman
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
University of Houston
, Houston, TX 77004–4006J. Vib. Acoust. Feb 2010, 132(1): 011012 (10 pages)
Published Online: February 1, 2010
Article history
January 22, 2007
November 1, 2009
February 1, 2010
February 1, 2010
Taylor, S. G., and Zimmerman, D. C. (February 1, 2010). "Improved Experimental Ritz Vector Extraction With Application to Damage Detection." ASME. J. Vib. Acoust. February 2010; 132(1): 011012. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4000762
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